Two baby vultures are now safe in a foster nest thanks to collaboration between our volunteers and neighbors! These sibling black vultures were living in an old shed that unfortunately had to be demolished. The area was overrun with feral cats, so it was not safe to leave them in a substitute nest. Owl Moon was notified and able to relocate the baby vultures in time.
At a release event a few weeks prior, a community member told an Owl Moon volunteer that a vulture nest is inhabited annually on her property. Our rescue team scouted out the nest and found parents caring for a single offspring. Since black vulture clutch sizes range from 1-3 eggs, adding two juveniles to the nest was no problem for these attentive parents. Though black vultures fledge at 10-14 weeks, they are dependent on parental feedings for as long as eight months. Once they reach independence, vulture families still tend to forage together in tight-knit groups. We hope this newly enlarged family will stay safe as they help keep our ecosystem clean!